LGBT Asylum - Case counseling for LGBTQ+ asylum seekers and refugees - ЛГБТ-притулок – консультуванн
LGBT Asylum
LGBT Asylum offers counseling and social networks to you, if you are a LGBTQ+ person and seeking asylum in Denmark.
If you are an LGBT + asylum seeker in Denmark: If you apply for asylum in Denmark, it can be difficult to see through and understand the rules, procedures and law in the asylum system. LGBT Asylum therefore offers advice in your asylum case. If you wish, we can:
- help you make informed decisions about your case
- help you understand the asylum procedure
- help you understand the letters you receive from the Danish authorities
- advise you before you go for an interview at the Danish Immigration Service or the Refugee Board
- if possible, join you in connection with conversations and interviews as a co-chair.
If you are an LGBT+ refugee in Denmark
As a refugee in Denmark, you can unfortunately experience isolation and loneliness. Some may have difficulty getting used to life in exile, and some may have the consequences of experiencing violent upheavals in their life. That is why LGBT Asylum offers a network, we call LGBT Refugees. In addition to social events, you can get advice from us. We can always find someone in our group who, for example, can:
- advise on municipal relocation
- provide knowledge on the rights and obligations of the integration programme
- explain letters from the municipality
- help report tax
- talk about how to deal with homophobia in language school or racism in the LGBT + scene.
LGBT Asylum tilbyder rådgivning og socialt netværk til dig, der er LGBT+ person og søger asyl i Danmark.
Hvis du er LGBT+ asylansøger i Danmark
Hvis du søger asyl i Danmark, kan det være vanskeligt at gennemskue og forstå regler, processer og jura i asylsystemet. LGBT Asylum tilbyder derfor rådgivning i din asylsag. Hvis du ønsker det, kan vi:
- hjælpe dig med at træffe kvalificerede beslutninger om din sag
- hjælpe dig med at forstå asylproceduren
- hjælpe dig med at forstå de breve, du modtager fra de danske myndigheder
- rådgive dig inden du skal til samtaler i Udlændingestyrelsen eller Flygtningenævnet
- hvis muligt tage med dig til samtaler og interviews som bisidder.
Hvis du er LGBT+ flygtning i Danmark
Som flygtning i Danmark, kan du desværre opleve isolation og ensomhed. Nogle kan have svært ved at vænne sig til tilværelsen i eksil, og nogle kan have følgevirkninger af at have oplevet voldsomme begivenheder og omvæltninger. Derfor tilbyder LGBT Asylum et netværk, vi kalder LGBT Refugees. Udover sociale arrangementer, kan du få rådgivning hos os. Vi kan altid finde en i vores gruppe, der eksempelvis kan:
- rådgive om kommuneflytning
- give viden om rettigheder og pligter i forbindelse med integrationsprogrammet
- forklare et brev fra kommunen
- hjælpe med at indberette skat
- snakke om, hvordan man håndterer homofobi på sprogskolen eller racisme i LGBT+ miljøet.
Tilbuddet er til dig, som...
- Is an LGBTQ+ asylum seeker or refugee seeking a LGBTQ+ network
- Seeking guidance and advice in regards to your asylum case
- Er en LGBTQ+ asylansøger eller flygtning, der søger et LGBTQ+ netværk
- Søger vejledning og råd i forhold til din asylsag